Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I want to say right off the bat, I don't know everything. I'm sure there are better trainers than me out there somewhere who know a lot more holds and possibly better storytelling. 

I won't post my resume, this being the Internet age you can look up what I've done in this business as far as my career, where and who I trained or helped train, if you care to. Best way to find out is ask.  I was the first trainer/coach for WWE's developmental system from 1996-2004.  I was released and returned in 2007. I was released again in May 2012.  The only constant in this business is change so being the head coach of any sport or organization is going to put you in the line of fire when any new administration or owner takes over.  I am still confident I am qualified and know what I'm talking about as far as coaching and training someone to work in professional wrestling /sports entertainment.

My stats and reputation, as well as the list of people who trained with me speak for itself.  I can be outspoken and opinionated.  That didn't always sit well with some.  I am passionate about what I do. I'm not perfect by a long shot.  I think I've been fair and tried to not only teach, coach and mentor people who trained with me but I believe I did my best to help them if they were going through a rough time, be it mentally or physically worn down.

Of course I know not everyone will see it that way.  Everyone has an opinion and I know not everyone will agree or see things my way. This business and the approach to professional wrestling really comes down to someones opinion anyway.

And no doubt, I'm about to offend and upset some people in this column!

I did a camp this weekend (Aug. 10-12) in Mt. Carmel, Tn and Waynesville, NC.  I came in for Southern States Wrestling (SSW) run by Beau James.  I've know Beau since he was a teenager from my days working for Continental Wrestling in Alabama.  He's done everything in the business from street teams (putting up posters and fliers), setting up the ring, referee, wrestle, promote and run shows.

You can check out Beau Jame's SSW TV Saturdays at 4 PM on Tri Cities CW 4, Online, youtube.com/kingofkingsportblip.tv/sswpowerhalfhour.

Beau became good friends and is considered family by a lot of the old school guys like Handsome Jimmy "The Boogie-Woogie Man" Valiant (and many others) due to his respect and love for the business.  Beau has a Crusher Jerry Blackwell physique and was born about 20 years too late. By that I mean Beau never had ambitions of going to WWE or anywhere other than the southern territories like Memphis.  And there's nothing wrong with that.  The Memphis territory was a stop for basically every major name in the business as it was a place to learn and develop. 

You had better love the wrestling business if you were booked in Memphis because you sure weren't going to make a lot of money!  But  if you could survive in Memphis, you could pretty much survive anywhere!  Beau came to know and become friends with a lot of people in the business and earned respect by giving respect.

I've told people for years to shake hands with everyone as they walk in the dressing room or building.  Treat everyone, from the guy (or gal) that sweeps the place, the office staff, TV people and camera crew, all the way up to the owner, with the same respect you want to be treated with.  It's not only common courtesy, but you don't know who knows who or who might be related to the person who makes the decisions or signs your check!  Give respect, earn respect and you will get respect!

Doing a camp for independent wrestlers  is always interesting and challenging.  I've done a lot of camps over the years and have come across novice, mid level and potential star quality workers. I hadn't done one in a while, so I was really interested and anticipating the ability level I would see.  We had 17 total with 9 coming from the northeast.  I believe 2 came  from Canada and the rest made two vans full from Rochester, NY.  That's a LONG drive to Mt. Carmel on Friday to do a live event and then drive another 80 miles to Waynesville to begin a camp with registration at 8:30 AM.
As I do with all my camps, I start out with the introductions and explain what we will be covering the next couple days.  This particular camp had the caveat that if you came to the Friday show in Mt Carmel, Beau would put you on the card to work a match with one of his (SSW) guys for his TV show.  So everyone worked the card Friday and drove to Waynesville that night.

Bright and early Saturday morning, after I do my introductions, I critique the rest of the matches from Friday.  I'd talked to some already so I just had a few to follow up on.  I went over and explained what was expected and how we would go over some basic drills and moves.  Depending how that went, we would progress to the next step. 

A basic lock up and footwork are two of the most important of fundamentals that any competent coach or trainer should know and teach.  Balance. Without it, you have nothing!

There are certain "rules" to follow in the ring.  If you've ever attended a credible school with a credible trainer, you understand what those "rules" are.  One is if you apply a headlock, your feet are like they are on a railroad track, approximately shoulder width apart, knees bent where you have balance.  Your opponent's feet are facing you. You should be in a "T" formation.  It's easier to show than type.

Time after time, these guys were grabbing headlocks and the man applying the hold would turn toward his opponent, with his feet FACING him so that they are facing each other!  What??  OK, I understand being green and not knowing.  Even if you've been training 3 years, that probably means you haven't had a lot of matches.  So I just kept making the same corrections over and over.  Until...

Someone asked "How is the correct way to stand in a headlock?  Because we were taught to 'mirror' your opponent."  What?  Explain what that means.  "We were taught to grab a headlock and then face him with our feet facing his."

Would anyone care to show me how that works?  And then show me how you shoot your opponent to the ropes in that position.  They showed me what they were taught and it made NO sense, any way you sliced it that it can work the way they were shown.

I went ballistic!  I wanted to know then and there WHO taught and showed them that?  Nobody wanted to say anything.  I understood why later.  But eventually, someone said, TIGER SMITH and SHAWN COOPER.  And guys, I'm sure this is the most publicity you ever got or ever will get.  If not, show me and prove me wrong! If you or your so called "Head Trainer" didn't show them this way, get in touch with me and explain what you do when you train at your "school."

Well, we had various degrees of experience levels from one year all the way up to a guy who said he had been doing this for 18 years and was just wanting  a shot, just one break and.....wait a minute.  18 years and you never had an opportunity, sent in a DVD, made a phone call?  Who trained you??  "Al Snow trained me 18 years ago." Oh no, wrong thing to say to me... I just happened to know Al Snow.

I watched this so called "18 year veteran" trained by Al Snow go out and stink the joint out on Friday night against a talented cruiser weight named Kyle Matthews.  This "vet" was 6'3" 275 lbs.  I would think he would know how to tell a story and have a credible match with a smaller guy.  What does he do within the first 3 minutes of the match?? He POWER BOMBS a 175 lb kid and covers him for a 2 count!  Kyle kicked out!!!  Then this "vet" continues to do big moves that make no sense, out wrestles his smaller opponent with no rhyme or reason and gets beat with a school boy! 

Saturday morning as I gave my thoughts on the match, he sat there like he wanted to cry.  I explained how Kyle kicking out of all these big moves and him out wrestling a smaller guy made NO sense.  I gave him a scenario I thought would have worked better he just shook his head but didn't say a word.  If someone tells me they have "18 years experience" and drops Al Snows' name, I'm going to watch very close what they do and how they handle themselves.  It didn't take me long to figure out something wasn't quite right here. 

Saturday after practice, this 18 year veteran, trained by Al Snow wants to talk to me.  His wrestling name is RIK MATRIX, real name MATT HENRIE.  I ask all the usual questions of most guys that say they've been around for a while; "Why haven't you tried to get with one of the major companies?"  Come to find out, he did jobs for WCW, try out for TNA in 2007, hurt his knee and had to have surgery.  They liked what they saw but there just wasn't a spot right now for him, yada, yada, yada.  Well, did you ever follow up with a phone call?  "No."  Why?  "I don't know, I guess I'm just bad about that."  That's not the ONLY thing you're bad about, kid!

Well, Saturday night Beau put RIK MATRIX in the main event against a guy more his size to see if he can tell a better story or have a better match.  I don't know how much worse it could get but it was pretty bad.  No rhyme or reason. No story. Here's this big, bad "18 year veteran" who had no idea how to get from point A to point C.  CLUELESS!  Now I have a pretty good idea why he never got called back or made any calls.

Sunday was the last day and everyone worked hard the day before in a hot building.  Last day of practice with an afternoon show and Mr. 18 year vet, RIK MATRIX is hurt.  He hurt his sternum from the day before and wasn't feeling good.  Come to find out, he was laughing and drinking with everybody Saturday night in a room and nothing seemed wrong then! 

I ran a drill and we finished up an hour before bell time.  The entire card was made up of the guys from the camp.  Both night the houses were horrible.  But it was a great experience for these guys to say they worked in front of 6 then 11 people.  That sucks but it should inspire you to want to get out and work in front of 6,000 and 11,000 people. 

But the 18 year vet, RIK MATRIX sat by me during the show trying to see my critiques.  I was going to review the matches after the show anyway so I didn't care.

After the show I went to the back and thanked everyone for coming down and working hard.  I was brutally honest with everyone, ESPECIALLY Mr. "18 year veteran" RIK MATRIX.

I told Rik he had no clue and couldn't have a match with a small or big man.  I said in front of everyone that he needed just as much if not more training than anyone here!  I gave everyone my thoughts and critique and expressed how pissed and disgusted I am by people who run "Rasslin' schools" and rip people off.  I told the Rochester crew that TIGER SMITH and SHAWN COOPER don't know SHIT if that's what they taught them.  I told them to deliver that message from me to them. 

Well, I'm delivering the message myself.  SHAWN COOPER and TIGER SMITH, I'm CALLING YOU OUT, BOYS. What are your credentials?  Who trained you?  Where have you ever worked and made a living in professional wrestling besides conning people, young kids and single parents with 3 kids to feed, out of their money when you don't know a wrist watch from a wrist lock??? What have you EVER done, where have you EVER BEEN and  who the F**K do you think you are???

Oh yeah, and this is the kicker.  This is the icing on the cake.  RIK MATRIX, AKA MATT HENRIE, THE "18 YEAR, I WAS TRAINED BY AL SNOW VET" IS SUPPOSEDLY THE TRAINER FOR THESE TWO JACK OFFS!!!!

There are so many con men and thieves out there everywhere that can buy a ring, say they got a "try out" with WWE in the afternoon before the show or did a TNA "gut check" and buy a ring and start "training" people!  YOU ARE PATHETIC!

Don't think for a minute I'm not going to tell Al Snow about my experience with you MATT HENRIE.  I heard you invoke Brodie Lee and Colin Delaney's name as people who came from your "school."  I know Delaney had a brief run in WWE but don't know him personally.  I know Brodie Lee.  And after you showed him how to bump he was smart to your shit and got as far away from you as he could! Yes, I did check with Brodie and he did re-enforce that you all are con men and belong nowhere near the wrestling business! YOUR NAME IS MUD! 

I WOULD QUIT NOW!!! I can't stand people taking advantage of someone coming off the street chasing a dream being taken advantage of and being lied to and taught by people who don't know what they're doing, have never done anything in this business and never will!

And it's not just in the northeast!  It's all over the country. 

Some advice:  If you are planning to go to a wrestling school, check them out.  I mean REALLY check them out.  Who are their trainers and coaches.  What are their backgrounds.  Who trained them.  Do they have contacts with anybody that could help you get booked somewhere and help you accomplish your dream?  Maybe it's a pipe dream.  Only you can make that call.  This isn't for everybody.  But you don't want someone telling you how "great you are" just so you keep coming back paying your hard earned cash just so they can pay THEIR bills!

They majority of wrestling schools out there are bogus rip offs.  If you hear something that sounds too good to be true, chances are it is.  If someone tells you they can make you a TV star in one or two weeks, RUN!!

Running a wrestling school is a hard job.  You have to rent a building, keep the electricity on, pay rent, upkeep and never ending problems from somewhere.  How can anybody keep it up without having students come in?  They can't so they have to resort to telling everybody how great they are and dangle the carrot as long as they can until that person smartens up and leaves.  Some have potential and will find a way to make it happen.  Others are living on a hope and a prayer.

When asked about credible and REAL wrestling schools in the country, there's slim pickins'.  My opinion is there are very few.  OVW in Louisville Kentucky and FCW in Tampa, Florida. There are no guarantees in either place but at least you will be in a place visited by WWE and TNA officials.  If you have something they're looking for, the trainers there will let them know.  They ARE connected.  Lance Storm in Calgary has a good school from all reports I've heard.  Kevin Knight used to have a great school in New Jersey that many WWE and former WWE talent visited and a few talent was signed from there due to Kevin's professional demeanor and he reached out for help and advice on how to do things the right way.  Darren Young is a product of the now defunct IWF as is a young Dante Dash, now training in FCW.

Harley Race still runs a school located in Eldon, Missouri.  It's in a small, sleepy town and you would have to find a job to live and support your wrestling habit.  But Harley is respected by the wrestling community and major companies keep an eye on his talent because if Harley says they're ready, chances are they're ready!

Pat Buck is now running PWS in Rahway, NJ and can be found at www.bedofnailz.com/school.html.  Pat trained with us at FCW and comes highly recommended and has a healthy respect for the business.  He is in the northeast and you can get more information by going to the website.  Google Pat Buck and find out what he's done in this business and the connections he's made.

I'm sure there are some more legit schools out there that are doing their best and aren't complete rip offs.  But before you give your money to anyone, find out what they've done, where they've been and what connections they have.  Also know and understand what your goal is.  Be realistic and know the odds of becoming a Superstar are not in your favor!

This weekend was an eye opener for me.  What prompted me to write this was when one of the guys who worked hard came to me on Sunday after everything was over and said "I'm going to have to give this up.  I have 3 kids and I can't travel right now.  That sonovabitch (MATRIX) has been taking my money and I haven't learned shit.  This weekend was an eye opener." 

I wondered why MATRIX left pretty quick after my post show meeting.  He was exposed like a cockroach when the light comes on and he ran like a coward.  He wouldn't train the last day because I called him out and critiqued him in front of the people he trained.  Now he looked like the goof and idiot he really is.  A con man.  The worst kind.  He cried when he was told he did something wrong instead of manning up and trying to learn, he quit.  Good.

If I were you, I'd pack up shop and stop now.  I will do everything in my power to expose all 3 of you phonies and con men for what you are.  You are the scum that somehow infiltrated the business I love and have been in most of my life.  You give this business a bad name by just trying to attach yourself to it.  I talked to other people you claim came from your school before I wrote this and I heard the same thing from every one of them: "Please expose those low life's for what they are!  They have given the Rochester wrestling area a BAD name!"


Any questions or comments, PLEASE email me at bookdrtom@aol.com.

Thanks for reading.


  1. well since i cant see my original post il post it again......first off not everyone is trainable in this business im sure u have had guys who u trained who didnt have a lick of talent and they tryed saying u trained them and see how far they got....im not a big name in this business and il never claim to be..but u just took two men ive know for yrs and completely shitted on them ...why cause someone said they were trained by them...ive know sean copper and tyger smith for god knows how long and i can tell u that they aint got no money...u took years of credable respect these men had and just flushed it ...how do u walk in anothers man yard and take a shit and tell him he has to clean it up???? now i dont know rik matrix ive met him twice and he is generaly a good guy from what i get from speaking to him but u feel cause u have worked for vince that u can just shit on any and everybody....thats just fucked up ...thank about u was never the greatest wrestler in wwe but u figured since u have been there longer than me that gives u the right to talk down to me cause u have lived the life and had the big checks and at the end of the day ur no different than me except u have been to the wwe ...and where are u now back on the indies making money off the fact that u worked "WWE" where all wwe guys will be one day be(except hhh ) back on the indies in the sweaty gyms that made them in the first place...and u take two guys that i personaly feel have given alot to this business and on a public fourm u just fucked them...WHY.. dont get me wrong im a big nobody in this business and il be the first to say it ..but for 8-10 minutes i get in that ring and weather im good or bad or have a few flashy spots what gives u the right to take away my moment what generaly gives u the right to shit in my yard..and why would u want to just because u worked for vince gives u the right...all u former wwe guys are the say u get booked on a INDY show and u talk about when u was in ur prime and how much money u made ..and yet ur right back where u started from that sweaty gymnasim with the broken a.c having flashbacks of the "good old days" will i ever go to the wwe ...yeah if i buy a ticket but im ok with knowing that. i dont have to go to wrestlemania to be called a PROFESSIONAL WRESTLER i dont have to wrestle in front of 150 thousand screaming fans to say im a wrestler..il take 80-300 people packed in a sweaty ass gymnasim with a broken a.c and shitty pay from the promoter cause thats my wrestlemania and im proud of that... but u just bashed two men who eat sleep and breathe this business for what a cheap pop...like i said im not anybody special in this business just a guy with a few flashy moves and shitty wrestling gear but hey what do i know

    1. in the act of full disclosure, junior once accused shawn cooper of being a RACIST cause he wasn't pushing enough minorities in the promotion he ran. that makes me question his integrity and doubt his character.

    2. If you are to attend any school,Might I suggest elementary....


      "first off i dont really care what u think of me ...u dont pay any of my bills..so whatever u think of me i can really careless...u can blog and talk shit cause of who u are and where u been ...i really dont care and u can use that famous line "HE DOESNT CARE ABOUT THE BUSINESS" or my other favorite"DO U KNOW WHO I AM IVE DONE THINGS IN MY CAREER U WILL NEVER DO" yeah like COKE and another MAN i dont really care what u think man u can keep emailing me u calling me a RASSLER (how they say it in the south im told) and laugh and giggle really doesnt bother me ...sorry if im not one of the many ass kissers in this business that feel the need to pucker up so to say ...u can ask about but i already told ...im not anybody special in this buisness im not an UP&COMER im not someone u should look out for hell last time there was a buzz about me i think i was drunk...(get it did u see what i did there) and u can ask the same 30 people who told u that tyger and sean are con man i dont even matter when it comes to wrestling...im just some guy who looks good in a suit who holds a pimp cup and has ok mic skillz...go ahead ....ask about me"


    4. first off ashe i know its u...second that status wasnt for mr pritchard if it was i would have used his name u of all people should know that i drop names like ur hooker girlfriend drops to her knees so no that status wasnt for him u shouldnt assume ...what a MARK

    5. and second u must have added ur own spin on it cause that is nothing like what i wrote this morning wow ashe are u still mad that ur girl has sucked of every locker room in western ny ....i know something that u would probly kill urself if u knew ashe and one of ur 'FRIENDS' knows it too

    6. Ok, so I'm "Ashe" and I was told I'm getting called out here. Normally I keep my opinions to the occasional facebook conversation but I'm being targeted by someone that has burned every bridge in the northeast. Going after my long term girlfriend, very classy move, what a great husband, father, and pillar of the community you are.

      I apologize to Mr. Prichard in advance as I know this is alittle off topic. Incase you didn't realize "Junior", Hobie and I are on speaking terms, and actually talked briefly about blog on Tuesday night. I never once said anything negative about he or Sean on this subject... I never once trashed them anywhere online and didn't send Mr. Prichard an email as you claim, eventhough I have a plethora of stories to tell. I sat back and took in everything that was being said, I was respectful and just accepted it and moved on, but obviously you felt differently and needed to have your voice heard.

      Seeing that the ENTIRE wrestling community is reading your rantings and you picking on a defenseless referee / production guy and his innocent girlfriend, it must really satisfy your ego. Oh well, and by the way since there's such a huge audience here, Mr. White sells bootlegged DVDs and screener copies of movies for $5 at wrestling shows, he's not hard to find, so if anyone from the MPAA wishes to visit him, he lives in Rochester. Thank you and again I apologize for being disrespectful on a national forum like this. (but I would say if anyone needs an honest, hard working and good referee please contact me at Johnathan.Ashe@gmail.com or at www.wrestlingreferee.com )

  2. Hey Junior, email me at bookdrtom@aol.com and I'll be glad to let you know that I got OVER 30 emails this morning confirming EVERYTHING I said and more about your little buddies you're defending. I'd be glad to respond...Email me...

    1. I STAND BY EVERYTHING IN THIS BLOG! And I have others who back it up! I did research. I did ask. I saw what they were taught by their so called "trainer" who didn't know shit himself, Junior. Email me. I got something for ya...

    2. PART 1 -Well, its clear your 30 yrs of experience and chair shots to the head have obviously taken a toll on your memory. It seems you are suffering from either bouts of alzheimers or were on dope the day of the camp, as what you are saying here is completely OPPOSITE of what YOU said, did, and told Rik Matrix. I wanted to gather the facts before i started this, so this is why i am now just blogging. Whats really sad is you were so phony, and didnt say any of this to his face, YET what you told him was actually the opposite... that he had nothing but nice things to say about you. He always has been a VERY bad judge of character ! There is only ONE thing on this blog that was ACCURATE and that was that Rik Matrix did not wrestle on Sunday, he did sit out. He did hurt his rib and still currently is having issues with it. He didnt sit out because you yelled at him and put him in his place but thats pretty funny, way to think up something to make yourself look tough. FIRST OFF, you have mentioned his name along with his REAL name over 10 times. Based on what appears to be your lack of intelligence, i will assume you are not aware that this is 100% SLANDER and DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER in the eyes of the law. Apparently you care more about wrestling then your family. You are a real trouble maker and with this being about 6 ft long of a blog,have way too much time on your hands and need to get a REAL job..... like earn a living....for real ! This business if thats what you call it, i cannot stand. I find theres alot of low class individuals, 2 faced, and caddy men worse then highschool girls. I dont know how anyone could possibly stand it. Wow, you certainly proved that one. The screws lose in your head have obviously clouded your judgement, thoughts, and MORALS. You have really thrown several innocent people under the bus, such as the guy with the "3 kids" you mentioned. You referenced his statement " i have 3 kids, i cant do this anymore that sonofabitch Rik Matrix is taking all my money". You have this statement all messed up.

    3. Mr. "truthteller897", let's get some things straight...Were YOU at the camp this weekend? Let me address your ONE issue here.
      Yes, I was very nice to Rik, We talked and I gave him Rudy Boy Gonzales numbers because Rik said "I just wanna wrestle on TV for ONE year." And he told me he wanted to wrestle in Texas. I have Rudy Boy's number and know he's always on the lookout for new talent. And I asked him if he had heat with Al Snow, but I'll get intyo that in your next response. I told Rik in front of everybody he was the shits and couldn't work with a small or big man. This was the post show meeting on Sunday. ASK anybody who was there because it's obvious you weren't. Now I'll go to your next entry and clear up a few things...

  3. Dr. Tom this is the greatest thing I have ever read Rik's infamy far out weigh's his "Talent"

  4. Part 2-FACT #1 Rik Matrix is NOT his trainer. You even subtlety threw BRODIE LEE UNDER THE BUS! Honestly, what is your motivation....jealousy? Get a life, spend time with your family, move on, get over wrestling do something with your life, i mean really. Fact #2 Rik Matrix did help train Brodie Lee and Colon Delaney, along time ago, he DOES NOT have a wrestling school NOR HAS HE EVER, he refers to it as OUR wrestling school since its where he goes to train. HE DOES NOT own a ring and NEVER has been paid for any training of anyone, OR PROFITTED FROM ANYONE EVER. So who are you calling a conman? Get your facts straight. FACT #3 Rik WAS trained by Al Snow in 1994. Your reference to this seems to apper as though you think that was a lie and hes conning you. FACT#4 Rik Matrix does help kids at the school that he goes to AND IS OWNED BY SOMEONE ELSE on occasion if they happen to be in the ring the 2 hours he is there a week. Its really just a ring setup where they run shows once a month from. AGAIN, he is not PAID AND DOES NOT OWN A WRESTLING SCHOOL. FACT#5 you stated he was just fine the night prior to him sitting out on Sunday, and that he was drinking and hanging out with the guys. RIK MATRIX DOESNT EVEN DRINK AND HASN'T SINCE 2007!! Another fabrication from YOUR MOUTH. FACT #6 you acted as though you liked him, called Al Snow in front of him, and made another call. Took down all his information including his knee injury and asked him if he had any issues with it. You told him "you were gonna make some calls for him" You told him on the way out "you were going to help him" and YOU GAVE HIM 3 numbers of PROMOTERS for him to get work from, shall i list the names and phone of these people ? NOW who is the conartist, who is the liar, who is king of fabrication? With two faced treatment like that to the guys that come to your camp and PAY..... who would ever want to come to any of your seminars, or be involved with such a troublemaker like you? I'm going to assume your array of friends is pretty slim, WOW ! Get a life man, its over....move on, its not the 80's anymore, and do something with yourself by the way, you really are an eye sore.

      I did call Al Snow as Rik was sitting there. Do you know what Rik did? And this came from HIS OWN MOUTH: He put piss in a squirt gun and disrespected Al's school. He never finished and Al will not have ANYTHING whatsoever to do with this jack off. I found this out after Rik made a quick exit on the last day of my camp. Beau asked everyone to leave their information along with emails. Everybody did except one guy. Can you guess who that was? RIK MATRIX AKA MATT HENRIE.
      You say he doesn't drink and hasn't since 2007?? I have EYE WITNESSES who will testify otherwise! Yes, I made 2 calls for him. Actually more for me to find out more about his character. I called Al Snow and danny Davis to try and help a big guy out who DEFINETLY NEEDS HELP! I thought he was a confused big guy and I was trying to help him. I too can be a horrible judge of character.
      During a basic drill, going over a headlock, someone asked how to stand properly and as I am explaining it I ask "Who taught you how to do it that way?" I have RIK ON CAMERA telling the guys to "shut up" as my back is turned. He's giving them hand signals to "shut up" and have the proof with me. So if you want to talk about lies, slander and defamation of character, come on, big boy. I have over 50 emails now including stories about Rik taking advantage of a woman that came to train with him who he backdropped so hard she chipped her teeth (WHY WOULD A MAN THAT SIZE BACK DROP A WOMAN???) from little Tyger doing things after hours in the school. Not to mention the guys that rode down with Rik for the camp. When I expressed my outrage they begged me to expose you, Tyger and Rik.
      I'm STILL waiting for Tyger's resume. Rik will NEVER get a shot with any major company as long as I can help it. Sure I tried to help him. It was AFTER he left (AND HE WAS ONE OF THE FIRST ONES TO GET OUTTA DODGE!) that I found out all the stuff he did and what went on. Now, with this blog people are coming out and telling me all about little Tyger, Rik Matrix and Shawn Cooper. So, let's see. You have your take, I have mine. You wanna make claims and threats? I'm prepared. I SPEAK the truth. If you weren't there, you're getting it from Matrix. And for a scumbag like him, I'm not surprized.
      So, "truthteller" what else you got? You don't know what you're talking about and you're hiding behind a bogus name. WHO ARE YOU??? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?? MY NAME IS ON THIS BLOG AND I STICK BY EVERY WORD! REVEAL YOURSELF AND TELL THE WORLD WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU DO! OR ARE YOU A COWARD LIKE THE REST OF THEM?

    2. And ONE more thing: Ask Rik about his WCW tryout against Harlem Heat when Scott DeMore took him. Ask Rik what he said when someone asked him "how it went." Ask Rik why they told Scott to "get his out of there and DON'T BRING HIM BACK!" Let me know what he tells you. Unlike you, I do know people in this business who can help or hurt a career. When a racist asshole like Rik Matrix comes along and acts so humble and he just "made a couple mistakes" I'm willing to help. Come to find out AFTER the camp and I investigate what the real deal is with this guy, it's no wonder he will NEVER work for ANYBODY but his little buddies in Rochester. GET THE FACTS BEFORE YOU BLAST ME AGAIN PUNK! Oh, that's right...you don't know anybody outside your little Rochester click, Damn the luck!

    3. truthteller sounds like pier 6 wrestling promoter adam nowak. hes the only guy that still books rik and built him up to be his franchise player. and "owns" said school where rik works out aka still trains guys. pier6wrestling.com if anyone wants to tell him to stop booking bad talent. and he has a show next weekend with a backyarder in the mainevent versus justin credible cause the backyarder offered to pay to bring him in only if he could wrestle him

    4. Unlike some who leave comments here, my name is out there. I stand by my statements and it looks like more and more people have come forward with the sordid details of what's been going on with these guys. I can back up what I say and I have EYEWITNESSES to what I said to Rik Matrix AFTER the show on Sunday in the dressing room. Rik didn't bother to ask for any extra advice or seem to want to "fiollow up" with me about making calls to Al Snow or Rudy Boy. He couldn't wait to get out of there! For someone who "wants it so bad, and just wants to wrestle on TV for ONE year (what a MARK!)" he sure was in a hurry to split! If I was so nice to him, why wouldn't he make a serious effort to follow up, want MY contact information, ask me more questions about how to get booked?? EVERYBODY ELSE DID! Oh yeah, Rik Matrix is special. He has his little guys oil him down in the dressing room while he puts a towel over his head like Taz. I know Taz and YOU'RE NO TAZ! Rik seems to forget we TAPED everything that happened at the camp this weekend. And if he wants to talk shit, go ahead. The camera doesn't lie!
      And I'm still waiting for "truthteller' to tell me who he is and what exactly does he do? He sure as hell wasn't at the camp. I can tell by his post. I HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE AND UNTIL SOMEONE CAN PROVE ME WRONG, I'M STICKING WITH EVERY WORD IN THIS BLOG. JUST MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT, BECAUSE YOU CAN BET YOUR ASS I WILL COUNTER....

  5. listen,i am not going to lower myself to your level and go back and forth like a child. i do really feel bad for your wife that she stays with such crazy wacko and that your a a father, wow, what a role model. You want to make it your life long dream about ruining him go for it, have a ball, if thats your goal in life, reach for the stars. yes i knew about everything MR GOSSIP You act like a real tough guy, i see its really working out for you. You're an ass and your parents should be so proud. PS i dont know if you have looked up SLANDER mr. encylclopedia BUT Slander is false aligations, accusations ect..if you dont like his wrestling fine, get over it but everything else your saying that hes a fraud ect, is not accurate.Your witness to his drinking saw him with a cup, not a beer, what was in the cup? You dont know anything worth even talking about other then wrestling, really.

  6. hey rasslinfan..i know who Adam is and this isnt him, and you sound like your the scumbag that comes to all the shows and wears the same clothes everyday with you slicked back greesy girl body yuck

    1. I dont know who you mean ADAM, I dont go to your pier six shows, the entire card is filled with guys that were trained by tyger, shawn, or rik, and rik always has to have a 20 minute match and bores the fuck out of the crowd. i've got a few connections too and last i heard al snow hasnt forgiven rik for what went down in the past. whats weird is that NOBODY in our area publicly defends rik except for promoter adam nowak, so this "truthteller" is either him or rik himself.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. you have stooped to an all time low. Rik is a racist now? He traveled in the car and shared a room with the same black guy you mentioned has 3 kids and 2 of his best friends are black. You are talking about stuff from when he was a teenager, again, your living in the past, it was over 17 yrs ago that piss thing at Al Snows, omg get on with it. You people in this wrestling business stab each other in the back time and time again and live in the past like has beens. Your that guy you tell a story to and when it gets back around its COMPLETELY different. And again misinformation about WCW, he NEVER wrestled Harlem Heat LOL, he wrestled Brian Pillman and Hacksaw Jim Dugan. Its too bad everyone emails you as they must be afraid to talk on this blog, since you have all these socalled emails. You will never help anybody, you just tell that to their face so they email you and facebook you hoping to be your friend. I picked truthteller as a random name since i am telling the truth and the facts. I dont know anything about Indy bullshit blah blah, again your making accusations. I did not nor do i need to display my personal info because your a pycho path and i suggest you not mention anything about a knife. I can assure you i am not a wrestler, never would aspire to be and am not a fan. My line of work is way above this and in a completley different field, one i use my brain for and dont spend time to ruin people. Enough said, moving on with my life and my day, you should do the same, make a difference, dont be a menace

    1. Come on truthteller, defend your buddy. You're not done showuing me how "smart" you are and above my business you are and what a great guy Rik Matrix is ARE YOU??? I'm sure there's a LOT more where that came from. 18 years and never got a break? WHY??

  8. I was over the hill before I ever stepped into a wrestling ring. My age was my gimmick. I was the "oldest rookie in pro wrestling history". Wasn't all that great, but I was trained by someone who had credibility and a true track record..Skandar Akbar. I watched the other guys that learned at our academy and they knew how to work and how to sell. They understood the psychology of the business and how to work a match "oldschool". There was a guy that just didn't get it...He was a mark who had to do things his own way. Like too many he was able to obtain a ring and start his own "wrestling school". He does regular shows where the number of wrestlers and their families outnumber the paying customers. But, of course, what he presents is the kind of show that has led to the lack of interest that most indie shows have. Too often, it's like certain schools teach guys how to ride a go-cart and make them feel like they're ready for the NASCAR circuit. DR TOM, your blog hit the proverbial nail on the head.

  9. to reply to rasslinfan or can i use ur real name ashe..i once called sean copper rasict had nothing to do with not being pushed....so please if u wan tthe story of why i called him that here is why...sean once said he didnt pay his talent so i was like ok...but than i started to notice that sean was paying the white boys so i when on this like 7 page blog (and its still in my notes on facebook and myspace) about how rasict that was and i called him out on it...cause i was the only black guy on his roster at the time who was driving 3 plus hr to wrestle for him and wasnt being paid...flash forward to present day i get paid...and good so ashe while u hide behind a fake name an ur not man enough to use ur real name thats ok everybody knows its u...and while ur trying to get into ecpw ..even by some chance i am asked to leave trust me ur not getting in .....

  10. It's funny how someone who became a never was transformed into a has been hack. But, tiger smith, u have succeeded. This guy is nothing more than a self righteous no talent shithead who couldn't even work a backyard correctly. Tiger............ Just stop. I'd rather root for David arquette as a viable hand than you.

  11. I stumbled across this blog from this forum post:


    I was amazed to see a real legend spill the dirt on some of the local wrestling "talent" up here in Western New York. I saw Tyger Smith a few times when New Era Wrestling ran shows in Niagara Falls, and he seemed to have a decent amount of charisma and ring skills, but never impressed me as someone special. I barely remember Shawn Cooper.

    "Sick" Rik Matrix, on the other hand, has been stinking up the joint in Buffalo Championship Wrestling as of late. His matches are full of slow-paced, stumbling mat work, and afterwards he always feels the need to cut long "shoot" promos. This past year, he had a horrible, HORRIBLE 25-minute (!!) match with The Bacardi Kid. Even worse, he was entered in a one-night BCW Championship tournament, and wrestled not one, not two, but THREE godawful matches. The only saving grace was that John McChesney, a guy who actually knows his stuff, was also booked for 3 matches and won the title. That night was so horrible that I skipped the next 2 BCW cards. BCW is bringing Matrix back for a show this weekend (http://www.facebook.com/buffalochampionshipwrestling), so I'll have to see if he brings up your name at any time. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts and experiences!

  12. Prichard....how old are you, grow up. You sound like Charlie Browns teacher...wahwahwahwah...blah blah blah, you just like to hear yourself talk. Too bad there isnt an actual reason to have such a big ego as yours. i dont need to show you how much smarter i am then you, your blogs tell it all. Your low class and it shows, i cannot be bothered with this nonsense anymore

  13. I know Tyger in passing. He used to chill with me and my friends about 10 years ago. I would watch him in I think RCW with the likes of Brodie Lee. All of us were huge Wrestling fans and it was cool to have a "pro" hanging with us. We all had a wrestling personality. He flat out told us everyone was unoriginal except for one. I was told I was uncreative despite the fact I came up with this persona (mine was not the one he liked, but William Regal told me at a book signing it was catchy) He traind 2 of my friends, one lasted. I went to his school to check it out years ago. I didn't like the enviroment and attitude of the trainers. I felt a lil pushed but I decided this was not the place or time for me. I followed my friend in Tygers fed and felt like tyger was using him to get him and his fed over. Bottom line Tyger Smith is a parasite. Constantly changing his look to stay relavant. How he is a Rochester "Legend" escapes me. 2 sic because that is what your matches do to people. Take That Deep!

  14. Hey tiger cub, glacier called and wants his blue contact lense gimmick back. Blood runs cold.......cold and DEEP!

  15. Anyone who doubts Dr. Tom's credentials is beyond a fool. They're from another planet.

    I'll say it simply. He's helped just about every big star, everybody who's made money, and everyone who's a good worker in the past 15 years. Sorry if it's longer, Tom: We met in 1997.

    He has strong opinions, but they are the right ones. If he said someone did something wrong, it's wrong. Trust me as someone who has done it wrong in front of him.

    Get used to it, Tom. There are more of "them" then there are of "us" if you know what I mean. Hope you're well.

    Brutal Bob Evans
    Trainer/ROH Wrestler

  16. Guys like "Rik Matrix" poison the blood flow of professional wrestling. It's a small world, and everything has an effect on everything else. Piss poor trainers provide piss poor training and produce dangerously piss poor wrestlers that will unavoidably injure good wrestlers. Schools such as this are a nuisance. There is no reason NOT to be able to get in the ring and EXPECT that the guy you're working with knows wtf he is doing. Promoters that support these piss poor trainers need to be eliminated as well. The industry needs to band together and stop helping to feed these sorry f*cks. Actively pursuing and causing their starvation is the only way to lead them towards extinction. My hat is off to you, Mr. Pritchard. You will save a lot of dreamers a lot of money and in turn, prevent a lot of performers from getting hurt by this guy and everything that has spawned from his so-called "school". I think that you should travel to New York and crash every card that this fat f*ck is on - grab the mic and expose him in front of the people that paid to watch his sorry ass. I think it worth it - you will be doing a service for the entire industry. I guarantee you that most all of the fly-by-night schools and scam artists will disappear just like this jack ass did over the weekend. Best of luck with it - and once again - thank you!

  17. Dr. Tom Pritchard,

    This is the one and only "BadBoy" Barry Hardy that some gutless wonder, jealous, wannabe, never will be, asshole mention in a prior post today. I wrestled with you when you were in "WWF" with Jimmy DelRay as the "Heavenly Bodies" and my partner was Duane "Gillberg" Gill. We were also known as "The Executioners".

    I have all the respect in the world for you and what you have done in this business. So during my career, I would have gladly taken any advise you had to offer and absorbed it like a sponge, if it meant that I would have a ticket to the "show". I was not going to contribute to the blog string of conversation until MY NAME was mentioned!

    There is alot of jealousy and immaturity with the wrestlers specifically in the Rochester area. I have been in this business for 25 years and that I love more than anything in this world and would never disrespect any veterans like some of the people on here have disrespected you!

    I was trained by Charlie Fulton at the Monster Factory in Paulsboro, NJ. It was owned by "Pretty Boy" Larry Sharpe and he knew I busted my ass driving back and forth from Maryland to New Jersey four nights a week, while working a full time job daily, and still each time I stepped into the squared circle to train, I gave 110% as I continue to do in my matches TODAY!!!

    No one handed me anything! Like yourself, I have wrestled the best in the world and some of the greatest storytellers that have ever graced the ring....

    So, the last comment I have is....if I have something to say to someone, I would say it to their face and not disguise myself, as alot of this chicken shit assholes are doing to you.

    The sad thing is...if these people are not gutless and are the big badasses that they are betraying, they would put their real names on the blog, expose themselves and everyone in the Upstate NY area would know exactly who the disrespectful person or persons are.

    (Other than that, I'm enjoying the reading!!)

  18. I was a worker for 17 years. Tom Pritchard worked with my trainer, the Great Goliath, a LOT in his early days. That was about 25 years ago and Tom was working at the top of a promotion that was being shown worldwide. Since then, he has been considered a top notch worker, trainer and talent developer. If anyone gets advice from Tom they should be grateful, take notes and say, "Thank You." Anything other than that is disrespectful to Tom and the business as a whole. Bottom line is this: If you don't know that, you weren't trained properly.

  19. There is no arguing with Dr. Tom, his credentials prove that, There is also no defending these losers that plague our business, who am I, I trained with Lou Thesz, worked for WWF and also trained one of the trainers at FCW and former WWE tag champ Joey Mercury, also Christian York and Otto Schwanz (Bo Dupp) proper training is is going the way of the Dodo bird.
    Cueball Carmichael

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